Benefits for Businesses

​Job creation is a team sport, and it takes all of us working together to make sure those opportunities reach every Kentuckian, including those overcoming addiction or being released from incarceration and returning to be productive members of society.

Work​force Development

Registered Apprenticeship Programs help businesses develo​p their workforce while increasing employee retention and attracting qualified candidates, including from justice-involved population. Team Kentucky promotes on-the-job training with first-hand experience in over 1,500 occupations.

Learn more about registered apprenticeships.

Fair Cha​​nce Employer Programs

The Fair Chance Academy bridges the gap between businesses’ need for employees and those in active recovery or released from incarceration to find meaningful employment. After attending the Fair Chance Academy, Kentucky businesses are equipped with the knowledge and resources to successfully hire, train and retain talent.

Learn more about the Fair Chance Academy.

The Kentucky Transformational Employment Program helps individuals in recovery and, if broadly adopted by Kentucky businesses, has the potential to strengthen our workforce and economy like never before. Businesses that choose to participate in the program facilitate assessment and treatment for employees or the justice-involved population with addiction.

Learn more about the Kentucky Transformational Employment Program.

Prison-to-W​​​ork Pipeline Program

The Prison-to-Work Pipeline identifies employers located throughout Kentucky. If your business is looking to help Team Kentucky employ those leaving incarceration, contact a Reentry Employment Program Administrator in your area.

Providing Jobs on ​​Day One

Jobs on Day One uses employers to connect justice-involved individuals with good-paying, stable jobs upon release, after they have been trained and prepared for the job they are entering. If you are an employer interested in learning more about the Jobs on Day One initiative, contact your local reentry staff.

Participate in​​​ Job Fairs

To participate in an upcoming Department of Corrections job fair and to learn about the incentives for being a second chance employer, contact the local reentry staff in your area.

Fair Chance ​​Bonds

The Kentucky Fair Chance Bond, part of the Federal Bonding Program, was established by the U.S. Department of Labor to provide fidelity bonds that support employers in employing "at-risk," hard-to-place job-seekers. These bonds are available through your Kentucky Career Center at no cost to Kentucky employers or job applicants.

Tax Cre​​​​dit

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a general business credit jointly administered by the IRS and the U.S. Department of Labor and may be claimed by any employer that hires, pays or incurs wages to certain individuals, including the justice involved, who are certified by the Kentucky Career Center. ​Learn more about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit​.