
Governor Andy Beshear signs proclamation for Recovery Day in Kentucky

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My faith teaches me that there are second chances in this life – and that we are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. To help every Kentuckian reach their full potential, we must live out our faith and values and help those struggling. In Scripture, we are told, “So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already.” With the historic economic progress we’re seeing, we have a responsibility to make sure prosperity reaches every Kentuckian. No matter the struggle, we have resources to help folks get back on their feet and find a good job.

Gov. Andy Beshear

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gov. Beshear ​Achieves ​Historic Progress

  • For the first time since 2018, Kentucky saw a 5% decline in overdose deaths in 2022 – and was one of only eight states to see a significant decline in overdose deaths.
  • Kentucky is leading the nation in reside​ntial drug and alcohol treatment beds.
  • Secured the lowest recidivism rate in state history.
  • Kentucky is No. 1 in the country for adult mental health services.
  • Launched the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, which connects Kentuckians facing thoughts of suicide, mental health distress or an addiction crisis to compassionate and trained counselors who can help.
  • Set the record for the longest period with the lowest unemployment rates in state history.
  • Secured the largest General Fund budget surplus and Rainy Day Fund, as well as the most jobs filled in state history.
  • Announced more than 1,000 private-sector new-location and expansion projects totaling over $30.5 billion in announced investments, creating more than 52,500 jobs. This is the highest investment ​figure secured during the tenure of any governor in the commonwealth’s history.
  • Gov. Beshear also signed an Executive Order on December 12, 2019, to automatically restore the voting rights​ to Kentuckians who have completed their sentences for nonviolent, nonsexual offenses and have paid their debt to society. Now 194,08​8 Kentuckians’ rights have been restored.​

Finding a Job

With so many jobs being created across the commonwealth, Team Kentucky wants to help make sure every Kentuckian has an opportunity to chase their dreams right here at home.

Getting an Education

Gov. Beshear is leading an education-first administration because he knows that supporting educational opportunities for every Kentuckian is the key to building a better Kentucky.

Benefits for Businesses

Economic development and job creation is a team sport, and it takes all of us working together to make sure those opportunities reach everyone. If you are an employer, click the link below to learn more.

Recovery Resources

While Kentucky has seen a decrease in drug overdose deaths and we lead the nation in the number of treatment beds per capita, Gov. Beshear believes that it takes everyone working together to save more lives and make more progress.

Related Resources

  • Findhelpnow.org provides ​​near real-time access to Kentucky-based addiction ​treatment providers that are accepting clients right now.
  • If you are experiencing a crisis, call 988 to reach someone at the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline immediately.​​